Alpha Delta Kappa - Initiation Ritual (2024)

AlphaDelta Kappa



(Priorto this Pledge Ceremony, the membership chairman should hold a meeting(s) of theprospective pledges. They should have been thoroughly oriented, not only to thehistory and guiding tenets of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, the structure of theorganization and obligations of membership, but also financial requirements —membership fee/badge cost as well as the dues structure at all levels.)
(Thesergeant-at-arms escorts the pledges into the room and presents them to themembership chairman, WHO IS STANDING WITH THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT ANDPRESIDENT-ELECT, on the opposite side of the table to which the pledges arebrought.)
(Thetable may be covered with a cloth upon which may stand the Greek letters AΔKas well as a single candlestick with a white taper, matches and a candle snuffer.Pledge cards to be distributed may also be on the table.)
MEMBERSHIPCHAIRMAN (To pledges):We are delighted to welcome you as pledges of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA. May I presentto you our president (sheturns toward the president) . . . Madam President, it is my privilegeto present to you … (namesthe pledge[s]) as pledge(s) to … Chapter of … (State/Province/Nation)ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
PRESIDENT:(To pledges) It isa pleasure to have you here for this pledge ceremony. The sisters whor*commended you for membership in ALPHA DELTA KAPPA will now share the reasonswhy they feel you should be one of us.
(Eachsponsor will speak briefly on behalf of her candidate)
MEMBERSHIPCHAIRMAN: (To pledges)Now that you have heard the high esteem in which these sisters hold you, you maybegin to understand why you were unanimously elected to membership in …Chapter.
PRESIDENT:Our membership chairman has discussed with you the purposes, the history and thefinancial requirements of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA. To be sure that you fullyunderstand the duties and responsibilities which are the obligation of eachmember of this sorority, our president-elect will review some of them with you.
PRESIDENT-ELECT:You were chosen for membership because it was felt that you would help promoteeducational and charitable projects and activities that are a vital part of theALPHA DELTA KAPPA program and responsibilities. We feel certain that you willuphold the ideals of education as well as the principles and purposes of ALPHADELTA KAPPA.
Thepresident-elect should brief pledges again with regard to the following facetsof membership:
Activeparticipation in chapter meetings as well as attendance at all meetings/conventions/conferences/gatheringsat all levels of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
Knowledgeabout the sorority, including scholarships and grants available to individualmembers/family members/others State/Provincial/National altruistic andscholarship endeavors
PRESIDENT:Are the duties and responsibilities of membership in ALPHA DELTA KAPPA clear toyou?
PLEDGE(S):Answer, “Yes,they are.”
PRESIDENT:Our Membership Chairman will light a candle which will signify our mutual pledge.May the candle brighten the path of each and every member of our sorority. (Shelights the candle and then reads the following:)
To lighta candle
Thecenturies merge in the candle glow and the golden light becomes symbolic of allthat brightens man’s life . . . The light of the sun, the light of love, andthe light of learning.
Theteacher of children possesses that rare opportunity to light a candle that keepsa very special kind of magic shining inside a child. Not every person is blessedwith this nearness to another human life. A teacher can bless a child with theawareness of himself as the noblest creature that has come from the hand of god.
She canset aglow for him the most essential flame of life . . . The flame of faith inhimself.
Blessedwith a sense of personal worth and dignity, he finds himself a unique humanbeing, capable of making a singular and significant contribution to life.
Theteacher knows how to light this flame. She knows all the simple and wonderfulways . . . By a smile or a nod, by sharing a joke, by accepting a gift, bylistening, by speaking a word of encouragement or approval. She reminds herselfthat a lighter of candles has accepted the assignment of loving the unlovable.
Thousandsof teachers have discovered the joy of this very special lighting of candles.
A senseof personal worth, self-respect, faith in oneself: these are the candles that ateacher can light . . . Not just on special occasions, but on every daythroughout the year.
So, welight your candle, the ALPHA DELTA KAPPA candle! And just as the candle glow hasbeen a symbol of light and love and learning throughout the years, may your lifein ALPHA DELTA KAPPA glow as brightly as you share with us your fellowship, yourtalents, and your leadership.
PRESIDENT:We welcome you as pledges to … Chapter of … (State/Province/Nation) ALPHADELTA KAPPA. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.
“Ihereby promise / to respect the principles of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA / to be loyal toits members / to honor my profession and my country / and to hold to theprinciples of truth and integrity.”
PRESIDENT:(Continues) Aspledges, you are entitled to attend our chapter meetings of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA,where you will become better acquainted with us.
(MembershipChairman) will present a pledge card to you along with a brochurepertaining to our International organization, including information of programs,scholarships and grants. We look forward to the day of your initiation when youwill become our sister in this prestigious sorority for women educators.
MEMBERSHIPCHAIRMAN: Thesepledge cards certify that you are pledged to ALPHA DELTA KAPPA and are noweligible for initiation. (Shepresents the cards and then snuffs out the candle.)
PRESIDENT:This concludes ourpledge ceremony. May I offer my congratulations to you for having been selected,as a leading educator, to become a member of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
You mayfeel justifiably proud. We trust that your participation in the functions ofthis sorority will enrich you personally and professionally.

MembershipCeremony (Original)

Thisceremony is for granting membership in the United States and all other nations of Alpha Delta Kappa.
Familyand friends may be invited to observe the Initiation Ceremony if the chapterwishes.
MEMBERSHIPCHAIRMAN: (Secures complete file of information from members-elect and acts ashostess until the sergeant-at-arms presents them for initiation. Collects themembership fee and badge money from the members-elect prior to the actualinitiation.)
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS:(Instructs members-elect as to the protocol for the initiation ceremony.)
(Thesergeant-at-arms escorts the members-elect, individually or in a group, andintroduces them to the president, who in turn will present them to theinitiating team.)
CHAPLAIN:(After introductions)Let us pray. Our Gracious Heavenly Father, we bow in humble gratitude before Youand thank You for all the blessings of this abundant life.
Acceptour heartfelt thanks for this occasion, which brings us together again in loveand fellowship, to share the blessings we enjoy in ALPHA DELTA KAPPA with thesenew members. We are thankful for their decision to become one of us. May theirlives be richly blessed through this sorority.
Giveeach of us a new vision of FAITH, HOPE, LOVE AND SERVICE and may we be inspiredto attain greater heights of spiritual, social and professional achievementsthrough our associations in ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
May thehighest principles of love and service which motivate this sorority be anabiding influence in our lives always. Guide us in all we do and say, and may itbe done to Your honor and glory, for we pray in Your name. Amen.
PRESIDENT:(To members-elect)Please make your responses together . . . Do you declare that this desire tobecome a member of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA is of your own free will?
If so,please answer “Yes, it is my desire.”
PRESIDENT:(Continues) Beforeyou are initiated into this international honorary organization, you may beassured that you, as a member, will never be asked to do anything that willconflict with your religious, political or civic beliefs. Is it still yourdesire to affiliate with this organization?
If so,please answer “Yes, it is my desire.”
PRESIDENT:(Continues) Wewish to share with you the honor of being eligible for membership and of beinginvited to affiliate with ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
Becausethe Founders of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA were women with vision and strength of purpose,through the years they worked to build the foundation of this organization forwomen educators. They gave a full measure of time and energy enriched with thehighest ideals of noble living.
PRESIDENT:(To the members-elect)Our historian will now explain to you the origin and ideals of ALPHA DELTAKAPPA.
HISTORIAN:Cognizant of the need for an organized means of professional and social contactfor women educators, which would be recognized by both laymen and professionals,our Founders decided to form this Greek letter sorority. It was made a fraternalorganization with membership offered to women educators meeting definitequalifications. These standards which each one who comes into this sorority musthave attained are as follows:
1. Shemust be an accredited educator with enriched ability and be outstanding in herpersonal qualifications.
2. Shemust be highly recommended by educators.
3. Shemust be a person who has attained a high degree of social acceptance in bothprofessional and community relationships.
I amhappy to say that you have met these qualifications.
PRESIDENT:(To members-elect)The president-elect will now explain the significance of our name — ALPHADELTA KAPPA.
PRESIDENT-ELECT:(Exhibiting to members-elect the Greek letters signifying ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.)It is important, as a member of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, to know that these Greekletters signify qualities which we, as ALPHA DELTA KAPPA sisters, strive toemulate. They are represented by the mythological goddesses ATHENA, Demeter andProserpina.
Beforeyou is the Greek symbol ALPHA. ALPHA stands for ATHENA, who was in control ofthe air and the heavens. She was the GODDESS OF WISDOM, her name meaning “mind.”The Greek symbol ALPHA is the first in our name trilogy.
ATHENAhad as her symbol the olive tree. Olive green was her color; therefore, in ALPHADELTA KAPPA we take olive green as one of our colors.
Thesecond symbol of our trilogy is the Greek DELTA, which signifies DEMETER,GODDESS OF SOWING AND REAPING known as the GODDESS OF THE EARTH.
Aseducators, our aim is to sow the desire for learning in the minds of youth inorder that the benefits of knowledge and experience may be reaped by them andshared with their fellow men.
Demeterwas symbolized by a sheaf of corn, and yellow was her color. Therefore, one ofour colors is golden yellow, which, combined with the olive green of ATHENA,constitute the official colors of our sorority. When they are in combination, weare reminded that, as members of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, our aims shall be the sowingand the reaping of knowledge.
Thethird symbol of our trilogy is the Greek KAPPA. It stands for KORE, whose Romanname is PROSERPINA GODDESS OF SPRING.
Mythologyrelates that she spent the spring and summer seasons on the earth making itbeautiful with crops and flowers. Thus, as educators, we strive to awaken theminds of youth so that their lives may become more beautiful through theinspiration imparted to them. Proserpina is represented by the cornucopia, thesymbol of plenty.
Thepurple violet has been chosen as our symbolic flower because it is mostindicative of spring.
PRESIDENT-ELECT:(Continues) (To members-elect)Will you please repeat after me?
(Themembers-elect repeat in unison prompted by the president-elect)
ALPHAstands for ATHENA / GODDESS OF WISDOM / symbol — the olive tree / color —green/
DELTAstands for DEMETER / GODDESS OF SOWING AND REAPING / symbol — a sheaf of corn/ color — golden yellow.
KAPPAstands for KORE / GODDESS OF EARTH AND SPRING / symbol — a cornucopia —overflowing with flowers.
PRESIDENT:You are now ready to receive further information about our sorority. Before youis an enlarged replica of our badge, inscribed with the Greek letters — ALPHADELTA KAPPA, the meaning of which has already been explained to you. It iscomposed of a Greek temple corner, upheld by three columns, upon which rests ascroll inscribed with our symbolic letters. The cornerstone upon which thesecolumns stand is set with pearls. These jewels should inspire us to enrich ourlives with the pearls of living.
Thethree columns represent ATHENA, DEMETER AND PROSERPINA — whose preceptssupport the temple which symbolizes our sorority as a whole.
You havenow been given the meaning of our name and our badge. Your badge will now bepresented to you.
PRESIDENT:(Continues) (Those members who will be pinning the members-elect should standnext to their initiate)
ALPHADELTA KAPPA presents to you this badge of gold to wear, to cherish, and to keepas a remembrance of the principles and precepts symbolic of our sorority and ourproud profession.
Gold areits pillars in their purity of purpose — wisdom; knowledge, with a singlepurpose . . . the unfolding of that knowledge; and abundance . . . theblossoming of springtime buds into those qualities fundamental to the lifecomplete.
Takethen, this badge, with its motto, “ALL FOR ONE,” and its guard, unique inits own symbolism, “ONE FOR ALL.”
(Asmembers pin the new members-elect, using the correct placement of the badge, thepresident reads the following):
Thebadge is worn at all sorority meetings and at other educational meetings. Thecorrect placement of the badge is over the heart on a single garment or anensemble. It is placed above all other ALPHA DELTA KAPPA pins. It is not wornwith formal attire, on a lapel, or attached to a support base or ribbon. Thebadge is worn with only one guard, either the “K” or one designating anoffice.
Thisspecial badge was designed for members residing outside the United States and has the word INTERNATIONAL superimposed on the Greek letters AΔK.
Takethen, this badge, with its motto, “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL.”
(Asmembers pin the new members-elect, using the correct placement of the badge, thepresident reads the following):
Thebadge is worn at all sorority meetings and at other educational meetings. Thecorrect placement of the badge is over the heart on a single garment or anensemble. It is placed above all other ALPHA DELTA KAPPA pins. It is not wornwith formal attire, on a lapel, or attached to a support base or ribbon.
PRESIDENT:(Continues) Youwill now take the vow of membership into ALPHA DELTA KAPPA. All members pleasestand, raise your right hands, and repeat after me:
“Ipromise / upon my honor / that I will, to the best of my ability / follow theprecepts and principles of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA / that I will uphold my sisters inthis sorority / and support them / in accordance with the law / and theprinciples of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA / in anything which they may ask of me.”
CHAPLAIN:Let us pray.
Fatherin Heaven, we lift our hearts and voices again to You, praising You for theknowledge and inspiration which has been given to us through the history of theages. We thank You for the hope of things to come.
We askYour divine blessings on ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, whenever and wherever its membersmay meet. Extend our efforts to far horizons in prompting professionaladvancement and building ideals which will make for human happiness and a betterworld in which to live.
Make usconscious of all Your blessings and give us the wisdom and courage to fulfillour obligations. May we ever be mindful of those, who through the years, byvision and steadfastness of purpose, have made the expansion of this sororitypossible.
Fortifyeach of us with the same vision and zeal to carry on the work of thisprestigious organization. Guide us in all actions and decisions; encourage us tonobler living; inspire us to give greater service; and send Your grace, mercyand peace to abide with us. Amen.
PRESIDENT:We are happy to welcome you, our new sisters, to membership in ALPHA DELTAKAPPA.
(Thisceremony may conclude with the singing of “The Lamp of AΔK.”


(Thisceremony is for granting membership in the United States and all other nations of Alpha Delta Kappa.)
(Familyand friends may be invited to observe the Initiation Ceremony if the chapterwishes.)
MEMBERSHIPCHAIRMAN: (Secures complete file of information from members-elect and acts ashostess until the sergeant-at-arms presents them for initiation. Collects themembership fee and badge money from the members-elect prior to the actualinitiation.)
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS:(Instructs members-elect as to the protocol for the initiation ceremony.)
(Thesergeant-at-arms escorts the members-elect, individually or in a group, andintroduces them to the president, who in turn will present them to theinitiating team.)
CHAPLAIN:(After introductions)We are grateful and thankful for all the blessings of this abundant life. Thisoccasion brings us together in love and fellowship to share the blessings weenjoy in Alpha Delta Kappa with these new members. We are thankful for theirdecision to join us and hope that their lives will be richly blessed throughthis sorority.
May eachof us have a new vision of FAITH, HOPE, LOVE AND SERVICE. May we be inspired toattain greater heights of social and professional achievements through ourassociations in ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
May thehighest principles of love and service which motivate this sorority be anabiding influence in our lives always.
PRESIDENT:(To members-elect)Please make your responses together . . . Do you declare that this desire tobecome a member of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA is of your own free will?
If so,please answer “Yes, it is my desire.”
PRESIDENT:(Continues) Beforeyou are initiated into this international honorary organization, you may beassured that you, as a member, will never be asked to do anything that willconflict with your religious, political, or civic beliefs. Is it still yourdesire to affiliate with this organization?
If so,please answer “Yes, it is my desire.”
PRESIDENT:(Continues) Wewish to share with you the honor of being eligible for membership and of beinginvited to affiliate with ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
Becausethe Founders of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA were women with vision and strength of purpose,through the years they worked to build the foundation of this organization forwomen educators. They gave a full measure of time and energy enriched with thehighest ideals of noble living.
PRESIDENT:(To the members-elect)Our historian will now explain to you the origin and ideals of ALPHA DELTAKAPPA.
HISTORIAN:Cognizant of the need for an organized means of professional and social contactfor women educators, which would be recognized by both laymen and professionals,our Founders decided to form this Greek letter sorority. It was made a fraternalorganization with membership offered to women educators meeting definitequalifications. These standards which each one who comes into this sorority musthave attained are as follows:
1. Shemust be an accredited educator with enriched ability and be outstanding in herpersonal qualifications.
2. Shemust be highly recommended by educators.
3. Shemust be a person who has attained a high degree of social acceptance in bothprofessional and community relationships.
I amhappy to say that you have met these qualifications.
PRESIDENT:(To members-elect)The president-elect will now explain the significance of our name — ALPHADELTA KAPPA.
PRESIDENT-ELECT:(Exhibiting to members-elect the Greek letters signifying ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.)It is important, as a member of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, to know that these Greekletters signify qualities which we, as ALPHA DELTA KAPPA sisters, strive toemulate. They are represented by the mythological goddesses ATHENA, Demeter andProserpina.
Beforeyou is the Greek symbol ALPHA. ALPHA stands for ATHENA, who was in control ofthe air and the heavens. She was the GODDESS OF WISDOM, her name meaning “mind.”The Greek symbol ALPHA is the first in our name trilogy.
ATHENAhad as her symbol the olive tree. Olive green was her color; therefore, in ALPHADELTA KAPPA we take olive green as one of our colors.
Thesecond symbol of our trilogy is the Greek DELTA, which signifies DEMETER,GODDESS OF SOWING AND REAPING known as the GODDESS OF THE EARTH.
Aseducators, our aim is to sow the desire for learning in the minds of youth inorder that the benefits of knowledge and experience may be reaped by them andshared with their fellow men.
Demeterwas symbolized by a sheaf of corn, and yellow was her color. Therefore, one ofour colors is golden yellow, which, combined with the olive green of ATHENA,constitute the official colors of our sorority. When they are in combination, weare reminded that, as members of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, our aims shall be the sowingand the reaping of knowledge.
Thethird symbol of our trilogy is the Greek KAPPA. It stands for KORE , whose Romanname is PROSERPINA, GODDESS OF SPRING.
Mythologyrelates that she spent the spring and summer seasons on the earth making itbeautiful with crops and flowers.
Thus, aseducators, we strive to awaken the minds of youth so that their lives may becomemore beautiful through the inspiration imparted to them. Proserpina isrepresented by the cornucopia, the symbol of plenty.
Thepurple violet has been chosen as our symbolic flower because it is mostindicative of spring.
PRESIDENT:You are now ready to receive further information about our sorority. Before youis an enlarged replica of our badge, inscribed with the Greek letters — ALPHADELTA KAPPA, the meaning of which has already been explained to you. It iscomposed of a Greek temple corner, upheld by three columns, upon which rests ascroll inscribed with our symbolic letters. The cornerstone upon which thesecolumns stand is set with pearls. These jewels should inspire us to enrich ourlives with the pearls of living.
Thethree columns represent ATHENA, DEMETER AND PROSERPINA — whose preceptssupport the temple which symbolizes our sorority as a whole. You have now beengiven the meaning of our name and our badge. Your badge will now be presented toyou.
PRESIDENT:(Continues) (Those members who will be pinning the members-elect should standnext to their initiate) ALPHADELTA KAPPA presents to you this badge of gold to wear, to cherish, and to keepas a remembrance of the principles and precepts symbolic of our sorority and ourproud profession.
Gold areits pillars in their purity of purpose — wisdom; knowledge, with a singlepurpose . . . the unfolding of that knowledge; and abundance . . . theblossoming of springtime buds into those qualities fundamental to the lifecomplete. Take then, this badge, with its motto, “ALL FOR ONE,” and itsguard, unique in its own symbolism, “ONE FOR ALL.”
(Asmembers pin the new members-elect, using the correct placement of the badge, thepresident reads the following):
Thebadge is worn at all sorority meetings and at other educational meetings. Thecorrect placement of the badge is over the heart on a single garment or anensemble. It is placed above all other ALPHA DELTA KAPPA pins. It is not wornwith formal attire, on a lapel, or attached to a support base or ribbon. Thebadge is worn with only one guard, either the “K” or one designating anoffice.
Thisspecial badge was designed for members residing outside the United States and has the word INTERNATIONAL superimposed on the Greek letters AΔK.
Takethen, this badge, with its motto, “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL.”
(Asmembers pin the new members-elect, using the correct placement of the badge, thepresident reads the following):The badge is worn at all sorority meetings and at other educational meetings.The correct placement of the badge is over the heart on a single garment or anensemble. It is placed above all other ALPHA DELTA KAPPA pins. It is not wornwith formal attire, on a lapel, or attached to a support base or ribbon.
PRESIDENT:(Continues) Youwill now take the vow of membership into ALPHA DELTA KAPPA. All members pleasestand, raise your right hands, and repeat after me:
“Ipromise / upon my honor / that I will, to the best of my ability / follow theprecepts and principles of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA / that I will uphold my sisters inthis sorority / and support them / in accordance with the law / and theprinciples of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA / in anything which they may ask of me.”
CHAPLAIN:We are thankful for the knowledge and inspiration which has been given to usthrough the history of the ages. We look to the future with hope of the thingsto come.
Let usextend our efforts to far horizons in prompting professional advancement and inbuilding ideals which will make for human happiness and a better world in whichto live. May we be conscious of all our blessings. We strive for wisdom andcourage to fulfill our obligations. May we ever be mindful of those, who throughthe years, by vision and steadfastness of purpose, have made the expansion ofthis sorority possible.
Let usbe fortified with the same vision and zeal to carry on the work of thisprestigious organization.
May allour actions and decisions be guided by wisdom. May we be encouraged to noblerliving and inspired to give greater service through our association with othermembers of Alpha Delta Kappa.
PRESIDENT:We are happy to welcome you, our new sisters, to membership in ALPHA DELTAKAPPA.
(Thisceremony may conclude with the singing of “The Lamp of AΔK.”


(Thisceremony is for granting membership in the United States and all other nations of Alpha Delta Kappa.)
(Familyand friends may be invited to observe the Membership Ceremony if the chapterwishes.)
MEMBERSHIPCHAIRMAN: (Secures complete file of information from members-elect and acts ashostess until the sergeant-at-arms presents them to the ceremonial team.)
TREASURER:(Collects the new member fee and badge money from the members-elect prior to themembership ceremony.)
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS:(Instructs members-elect as to the protocol for the ceremony.)
(Thesergeant-at-arms escorts the members-elect, individually or in a group, andintroduces them to the president, who in turn will present them to theceremonial team.)
CHAPLAIN:We are thankful for this significant occasion, which brings us together in loveand fellowship to share the blessings we enjoy in ALPHA DELTA KAPPA with thesenew members.
We arethankful for their decision to join us and hope that their lives will beenriched through this organization.
PRESIDENT:Before you become a member of this international honorary organization, you maybe assured that you, as members, will never be asked to do anything that willconflict with your religious, political, or civic beliefs. Is it still your wishto join this organization?
If so,please answer, “Yes, it is my wish.”
HISTORIAN:We wish to share with you the honor of being eligible for membership and ofbeing invited to affiliate with ALPHA DELTA KAPPA. Our Founders - Agnes ShipmanRobertson, Marie Neal, Marion Southall, and Hattie Poppino – were women withvision and courage who began this organization in 1947. Since then, outstandingwomen educators in every U.S. state as well as in Australia, Canada, Jamaica, Mexico, and Puerto Rico have been given opportunities for recognition of their commitment to excellencein education, altruism, and world understanding. ALPHA DELTA KAPPA is afraternal organization with membership offered to women educators meetingdefinite qualifications. These standards are as follows:
1. Shemust be an accredited educator with enriched ability and be outstanding in herpersonal qualifications.
2. Shemust be highly recommended by educators.
3. Shemust be a person who has attained a high degree of social acceptance in bothprofessional and community relationships.
I amhappy to say that you have met these qualifications.
PRESIDENT:On the table, we have several symbols of our organization. The President-electwill explain their significance to you.
PRESIDENT-ELECT:(Indicates the Greek letters AΔK)The letters Alpha, Delta, and Kappa, chosen for our organization’s name, arederived from three figures of Greek mythology and signify the qualities which westrive to emulate. Alpha is for ATHENA who represented the concept of WISDOM, anaim of all educators. Her symbol was the olive tree; olive green is one of ourcolors.
Deltastands for DEMETER, symbolic of SOWING AND REAPING; as educators, we wish to sowthe desire for learning in order to reap the benefits of knowledge andexperience. Her symbol was a sheaf of golden yellow corn; thus, gold is oursecond color.
KAPPA,stands for KORE, indicative of SPRING with its new crops and flowers. We, too,want to awaken the minds of youth so their lives may become more fruitful. Thecornucopia serves as the symbol of plenty with the purple violet, ourorganization‘s flower, so indicative of spring.
PRESIDENT:Before you is an enlarged replica of our badge, inscribed with the Greek letters– ALPHA DELTA KAPPA. It is composed of a Greek temple corner, upheld by threecolumns, upon which rests a scroll inscribed with our symbolic letters. Thecornerstone upon which these columns stand is set with pearls.
Thesejewels should inspire us to enrich our lives with the pearls of living.
Thethree columns represent Athena, Demeter and Kore, whose precepts support thetemple which symbolizes our organization as a whole.
We haveshared the meaning of our name and our badge. Your badge will now be presentedto you.
(Thosemembers who will be pinning should come and stand next to their members-elect).
PRESIDENT:(Continues) ALPHADELTA KAPPA presents to you this badge of gold to wear, to cherish, and to keepas a remembrance of the principles symbolic of our organization and our proudprofession.
Takethis badge with its motto, “ALL FOR ONE,” and its guard unique in its ownsymbolism, “ONE FOR ALL.”
(Asmembers pin the members-elect, using the correct placement of the badge, thepresident reads the following):The badge is worn at all ALPHA DELTA KAPPA meetings and at other educationalmeetings. The correct placement of the badge is over the heart on a singlegarment or an ensemble. It is placed above all other ALPHA DELTA KAPPA pins. Itis not worn with formal attire, on a lapel, or attached to a support base orribbon.
Thebadge is worn with only one guard, either the “K” or one designating anoffice.
Thisspecial badge was designed for members residing outside the United States and has the word INTERNATIONAL superimposed on the Greek letters AΔK. Takethis badge with its motto, “ALL FOR ONE.”
(Asmembers pin the members-elect, using the correct placement of the badge, thepresident reads the following): Thebadge is worn at all ALPHA DELTA KAPPA meetings and at other educationalmeetings. The correct placement of the badge is over the heart on a singlegarment or an ensemble. It is placed above all other ALPHA DELTA KAPPA pins. Itis not worn with formal attire, on a lapel, or attached to a support base orribbon.
PRESIDENT:You will now take the vow of membership into ALPHA DELTA KAPPA. All membersplease stand as you are able, raise your right hands, and repeat after me:
“Ipromise / upon my honor / that I will, to the best of my ability / follow theprecepts and principles of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, / that I will uphold other membersin our organization / and support them / in accordance with the law / and theprinciples of ALPHA DELTA KAPPA / in anything which they may ask of me.”
CHAPLAIN:(*Note: The chaplain may substitute her own words of inspiration as appropriatefor the membership of her chapter.) Weare thankful for the knowledge and inspiration given to us through our historyand look to the future with hope of things to come.
May eachof us gain a new vision of strength and support to serve ALPHA DELTA KAPPA; maywe be guided in our actions and be inspired to give greater service to others.
PRESIDENT:We are happy to welcome you to membership in ALPHA DELTA KAPPA.
(Thisceremony may conclude with the singing of “The Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa.”)

Passwordand Handshake

TheAlpha Delta Kappa password will no longer be required for entrance into AlphaDelta Kappa business meetings. However, if a member wishes to continue to usethe password to enter a business meeting, this is her option. The passwordshould be explained to new member(s) during a meeting where only members arepresent. The explanation is as follows:
“Ourpassword, kore, is taken from our Greek name.
Thepassword should be given to Alpha Delta Kappa members only and should neverappear in print.”
TheAlpha Delta Kappa handshake is now retired. It will no longer be required forentrance into Alpha Delta Kappa business meetings. However, if a member wishesto continue to use the handshake, this is her option.
Thehandshake, by which you may recognize a sister in Alpha Delta Kappa, is ahandshake with the hands clasped and the forefinger laid pressed against thewrist. As the grip is released, press the knuckle of the second finger with yourthumb. By this handshake a sister makes herself known as a member of Alpha DeltaKappa. If a person responds with a similar grip and pressure, you will know thatshe is a sister.


Alpha Delta Kappa - Initiation Ritual (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6363

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.